In the end, originality and creativity in their highest human forms require an abandoning of the known
and an embrace of and exploration of the unknown.

It is also true that to seriously undertake exploring the unknown, it is also necessary to apply oneself to learning all that there is to know in the field of our calling. I returned to study after a long absence because of a dawning awareness of a gap in my learning. This gap was comprised of lack of knowledge of draftsmanship, lack of confidence personally and most painfully and specifically, a feeling of inadequacy in all areas related to the human figure. The following images are artifacts recorded along the path of my learning.

The body, so unquestionably central. Beautiful, every one in its own way. Made by history, marked and changed by our passage through time, the core reality of our time here on earth. This is what I love. Please enjoy.


Pen and Ink Drawings

