Meet the Artist

Katey Carlis

Katey’s relationship with creativity is lifelong. As a child she was recognized for her talent and creativity. She won a nationwide drawing contest at age nine and was awarded the Runette-Luscombe Art Award upon graduation from primary school. During teen years she showed and sold her work in local art shows and won Outstanding Work for a large drawing in 1999. She also designed and completed a 12’ x 7’ original mural at age 16. During college she spent an impactful semester studying art and itailan in Rome and eventually earned her BA in Fine Arts at Haverford College.

The intervening years brought marriage and children which deepened both her practice and her sensitivity to the wonders of childhood visions. During these years, along with accepting artistic commissions, she also ran Bankie Baby, a successful etsy business designing, sewing and selling thousands of hand crafted, organic baby blankets.

Katey spent much of the pandemic homeschooling her three children. One outcome of immersion in her children’s education was a sudden illumination of the importance of her calling as an artist. Free moments (read: late nights) were the only time available to devote to her art. Committing the time (despite difficulties) resulted in an incredibly prolific and creative period. The variety, quality and abundance present in her recent bodies of work speak to her creative capacity. Along with a continued exploration of existing bodies of work, Katey’s upcoming work includes a collection of about a dozen intuitive oil paintings.

Her work has been shown locally in a variety of solo and shared shows. Fulfilling commissions has also played an important role in her creative life. Along with all of this, she is continuing her studies of the masters and is attending Bucks County Classical Art Center in New Hope, PA.

In her personal life, Katey enjoys all manner of creative expression including play, family life, deep friendship, gardening (tame and wild/ inner and outer), and playing piano and mandolin. She is also an avid reader, nature lover, occasional poet and novice Italian language speaker.